The Germantown Community Coalition is officially up and running as a non-profit and the word is out:
'Offering different ways to come together'
Melissa Garves, who is the new nonprofit's secretary, said the organization's goal is for people to network and communicate more about issues of racism and diversity in the community.
"We have recognized the need in the community to come together, to share education, perspectives and experiences, and to create spaces in dialogue," she said.
"We have people who we care about who are thinking of leaving (Germantown). We don't want to see them leave (because of racism)," Garves said.
She also said the group is working to launch a podcast series and wants to offer film and speaker series. "It is not just race. It is about the inclusion of all groups and identities," she said.
Magdalia Proft-Maikowski, president of Germantown Community Coalition, said the organization has committees in place for fundraising, scholarships, speakers, film, social media/communications and podcast.
"We hope to be a part of the community for a long time," Garves said.